Book of hours : Ms. Codex 1063
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Manuscript Overview
Binding Images


Book of hours produced in England, probably London, perhaps for a member of a religious confraternity or community. Includes calendar, Office of the Virgin (use of Sarum), Seven Penitential Psalms and incipits of the Gradual Psalms, litany, notated Office of the Dead (use of Sarum), and a variety of prayers. The musical notation in the Office of the Dead is unusual, as is the absence of the prayers Obsecro te and O intemerata. Evidence of use includes erasure of Thomas à Becket from calendar, erasures in text, and 17th-century additions in English to calendar.

Physical Description

Support: parchment; Extent: 122 leaves : 124 x 82 (95 x 60) mm bound to 132 x 100 mm; Collation: Parchment, fol. i (modern paper) + ii (parchment) + 118 + i (parchment) + i (modern paper); 1⁶ 2-11⁸ 12³ (of 4, iv cancelled blank) 13⁸ 14⁵ (of 6?) 15-16⁸; horizontal catchwords in ink frames on last versos; older pagination (1-47 only) and collation notes in pencil, lower gutters; modern pencil foliation, lower right recto. Link to collation model at end of record.


Written in 19 long lines; frame-ruled, in red ink to f. 63v and in black ink after; musical notation in the Office of the Dead in square neumes on a red four-line stave.


Written in Gothic textualis semi-quadrata script by multiple hands.


Major text divisions open with illuminated foliate borders and 2- to 5-line initials (f. 7r, 13v, 23v, 26v, 28v, 30r, 32r, 33v, 38r, 52v), rubrics in red, 1- and 2-line initials alternately of burnished gold flourished blue and blue flourished red, line-fillers in the Litany of blue and gold.

For a full list of Decorations in this manuscript please see the Content and Decorations section by clicking on the [i] button in the top left corner of the image viewer above.


Ms. codex.

Title supplied by cataloger.

1. f.1r-6v: Calendar.

2. f.7r-38r: Office of the Virgin, use of Sarum.

3. f.38r-47v: Seven Penitential Psalms and incipits of Gradual Psalms.

4. f.47v-52v: Litany.

5. f.52v-89v: Office of the Dead, notated, use of Sarum.

6. f.90r-102v: Commendation of souls.

7. f.103r-109r: Passion Prayers.

8. f.109r-113r: Suffrages.

8. f.113r-117v: Prayers.

These are pages that we pulled aside that disrupted the flow of the manuscript reader. These may be bindings, inserts, bookmarks, and various other oddities.


15th century
Book of Hours
University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

Place of Origin



Written in England, probably London, between about 1450 and 1460.


19th-century panelled brown morocco; lower board nearly detached; all borders cropped for binding.




Formerly owned by Thomas Appleby, elected Fellow of Balliol College in 1520, whose name also appears in Balliol MS 291; 16th-century inscription recording his gift of this manuscript, Ex dono gratissimi viri M[agist]ri Thome Appulby socii contubernii Whytynton London (f. 117v).

Formerly owned by Father Edmund Newman, Cistercian monk from Larha, also known as Lehra, Larah or Abbeylara; the Cistercian abbey of Lehra in Ireland was founded in 1211 but dissolved in 1539, so the designation here may be to a parish or village; 17th-century note, in the same hand as additions to the calendar, recording his gift of the manuscript: Hic liber est ex dono p[at]ris Edm[und] Newman monachi cist[erciani] de Larha 1673 (f. 117v).

Fomerly owned by William Maskell, an Anglican clergyman, ecclesiastical antiquarian, and author of Ancient liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the modern Roman liturgy, arranged in parallel columns (signature and note, f. i verso).

Sold by Sam Fogg Ltd. (London), 2007.

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Place of Origin



Written in England, probably London, between about 1450 and 1460.




Formerly owned by Thomas Appleby, elected Fellow of Balliol College in 1520, whose name also appears in Balliol MS 291; 16th-century inscription recording his gift of this manuscript, Ex dono gratissimi viri M[agist]ri Thome Appulby socii contubernii Whytynton London

Formerly owned by Father Edmund Newman, Cistercian monk from Larha, also known as Lehra, Larah or Abbeylara; the Cistercian abbey of Lehra in Ireland was founded in 1211 but dissolved in 1539, so the designation here may be to a parish or village; 17th-century note, in the same hand as additions to the calendar, recording his gift of the manuscript: Hic liber est ex dono p[at]ris Edm[und] Newman monachi cist[erciani] de Larha 1673

Fomerly owned by William Maskell, an Anglican clergyman, ecclesiastical antiquarian, and author of Ancient liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the modern Roman liturgy, arranged in parallel columns

Sold by Sam Fogg Ltd.

Manuscript Overview


Book of hours produced in England, probably London, perhaps for a member of a religious confraternity or community. Includes calendar, Office of the Virgin (use of Sarum), Seven Penitential Psalms and incipits of the Gradual Psalms, litany, notated Office of the Dead (use of Sarum), and a variety of prayers. The musical notation in the Office of the Dead is unusual, as is the absence of the prayers Obsecro te and O intemerata. Evidence of use includes erasure of Thomas à Becket from calendar, erasures in text, and 17th-century additions in English to calendar.


Ms. codex.

Title supplied by cataloger.

1. f.1r-6v: Calendar.

2. f.7r-38r: Office of the Virgin, use of Sarum.

3. f.38r-47v: Seven Penitential Psalms and incipits of Gradual Psalms.

4. f.47v-52v: Litany.

5. f.52v-89v: Office of the Dead, notated, use of Sarum.

6. f.90r-102v: Commendation of souls.

7. f.103r-109r: Passion Prayers.

8. f.109r-113r: Suffrages.

8. f.113r-117v: Prayers.

Script note

Written in Gothic textualis semi-quadrata script by multiple hands.

Decoration Note

Major text divisions open with illuminated foliate borders and 2- to 5-line initials (f. 7r, 13v, 23v, 26v, 28v, 30r, 32r, 33v, 38r, 52v), rubrics in red, 1- and 2-line initials alternately of burnished gold flourished blue and blue flourished red, line-fillers in the Litany of blue and gold.

For a full list of Decorations in this manuscript please see the Content and Decorations section by clicking on the [i] button in the top left corner of the image viewer above.

Binding Images

These are pages that we pulled aside that disrupted the flow of the manuscript reader. These may be bindings, inserts, bookmarks, and various other oddities.


15th century
Book of Hours
University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

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